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3 Essential Tips for Getting Started with Yoga
New to yoga but no idea where to start?
Written by
Carrie Froggett
Published on
September 2, 2024
One Step at a Time
So, you’re considering giving yoga a go, congratulations! Of course, we might be tooting our own horn here, but there is a pretty good reason why the practice of yoga has stood the test of time. 5000 years in fact. Of course, the way that yoga looks has changed and evolved over the ages, but it is now and always has been what it needs to be in any given moment. A tool to help people connect back to themselves, to feel better, stronger and more resilient in body and mind.
What’s your Reason for Being Here?
Before we get into the list of what you need or don’t need to get started with yoga, it’s important to address one thing. Starting anything new requires some sort of intention. Some sort of desire to change, for something to be different. Maybe it’s as simple as wanting to lose some weight, be able to bend over to tie your shoes laces, be able to walk up the stairs (or maybe even run) without getting out of breath, or be able to get up off the floor without having to find some furniture to help you along.
Whether it be strength, mobility, flexibility or simply feeling better, without an intention even with the best will in the world it’s tough to stick too. You don’t have to tell anybody your intention, and it can change next week, but you need that reason that reminds you why you’re giving this a go. Your intention is like a little seed. Once you have it, sow it deep inside, and watch it grow and blossom as you nurture it with a little bit of movement and mindfulness, and with a little bit of yoga.
Practical Bits
One of the many reasons that people get into yoga is that they don’t need ‘stuff.’ As far as new hobbies go, it’s pretty inexpensive. All you need are:
Time: I hear you, we all wish we had more. But you have 10 minutes, maybe even 30, that you can dedicate to feeling better. Schedule your yoga in like you would coffee and a cake with your best friend, or skip 10 minutes scrolling on your phone when you wake up in the morning.
Space: You need a space big enough to lie down in and stretch your arms and legs out to the side. Like a star fish. It can be beside your bed, in your living room or even in the kitchen.
Equipment: Lots of people use a yoga mat and this is because a little cushioning is kind to the wrists and knees. A rug or carpet can also work. A yoga mat also helps create that little zen space and you can pick one up relatively inexpensive online or at your local sports shop. You might want to grab some cushions off your sofa or bed as well for a little extra TLC.
Mindset Bits
So, we touched on this at the start. Your mind will try and talk you out of it. There are more important things to be doing. This is called procrastination. And it’s the enemy. Schedule your yoga, and ignore your mind reminding you that you’d better put the bins out, wash up last nights pots, fold the washing. Remember these:
It might not be easy, that’s OK
Resistance is our friend
Growth requires a little push
Flexibility comes with time
If you can breathe, you can do yoga
It really isn’t about touching your toes (but if you want to, bend your knees)
Yoga Bits
You’re still reading, that’s a good sign. You might be ready to take a little step towards making a massive change in your life. So, what actually is yoga and what can I expect from a yoga practice?
A physical yoga practice involves you following the instructions of a teacher as they guide you through a series of poses (standing, sitting or lying down) to build strength and flexibility in your body and mind. Sounds good right?
Postures: You’ll learn a whole bunch of different positions that you can put your body into. Standing on one leg, twisting around, leaning to one side, folding forward. You name it, there’s probably a yoga posture for it. Lots of postures mimic animals and things in nature, so they become quite familiar quite quickly.
Breath: You’ll be guided to coordinate movements with your breath. For example, lifting your arms up overhead is much easier if you do it when you take a big breath in (try it now!) and then lowering them down with a big breath out leaves you feeling pretty relaxed.
Mindfulness: A+B = C. If you move (postures) in time with the breath you automatically start to bring yourself into more of the present moment. There are no promises that the monkey mind will cease altogether, but gentle body breath awareness goes a long way to cultivating calm.
Are you up for the challenge?
Give it 21 days. Think of it as an experiment. Take it seriously - your body and mind deserves it. And you never know, you might experience the Butterfly Effect of Yoga. What’s that? Oh right.. give yourself permission to put yourself first, and then watch how when you start filling up your own cup, it starts to spill out into the world around you. Happier, healthier you equals happier, healthier relationships, work, community and so much more! Yoga starts now.